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AMD Dental Clinic: Get Complete Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Tooth Removal Wisdom Tooth Extraction
10th Jul 2024
AMD Dental Clinic: Get Complete Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal

So, we all have heard our siblings in their prime twenties complaining about back tooth pain. The pain is severe and radiates to the head and ear region. The reason behind this pain may be the third molar. The third molars or wisdom teeth often cause various dental issues that warrant removal. At AMD Dental Clinic in Jaipur, we specialize in wisdom tooth removal to let you keep your dental health at its best. This guide gives you everything you need to know about wisdom teeth removal surgery– from common problems to post-surgery care.


What Are Wisdom Teeth?

The third molars are also known as wisdom teeth, which are the last set of molars that usually erupt between 17 and 30 years of age. As per the current evolutionary trends, these teeth are mostly impacted within bone or partially erupted. This results in frequent gum swelling, radiating pain to ears and head, tooth decay, resorption of adjacent teeth, etc. Hence, timely action which includes either removal or complete exposure of the third molar is necessary.


Common Problems Associated with Wisdom Teeth

It's been found that wisdom teeth often lead to a variety of problems such as:

 - Impaction: Due to the human race's evolution, the dental formula is decreasing. Often there is very little space or improper angulation of the third molar. It results in impacted teeth may remain trapped in the jawbone or gums.

- Infection: Partially erupted teeth may create pockets that allow bacteria to grow. We many times notice patients report to us with partially erupted decayed wisdom teeth.

- Crowding: wisdom teeth are almost equal in size to any molar. Hence, they need a lot of space. Hence they push teeth in front resulting in disturbed teeth alignment. Many times it is noticed that braces-treated patients come with this problem in the future as their third molars erupt.

- Decay: These backmost molars are difficult to clean and are therefore more susceptible to cavities and gum disease.


When is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?


Wisdom teeth extraction may be required when there is pain, infection, or damage to the other teeth. Read on when the following conditions occur:

 - Pain and Swelling: On-going pain and swelling in the overlying gums or jaw. Sometimes we encounter patients coming to the clinic with swollen faces with pain radiating to the ear or head region.

- Infections: Recurring infections of soft tissue behind and above the lower last tooth. Due to the lack of reach of brush, they are common houses for oral bacteria.

- Cysts or Tumors: These are rare and they can develop around impacted teeth, especially dentigerous cysts.

- Damage to Nearby Teeth: Your tooth may damage your second molar. It is because it wants to come out but has no space. Hence, it ends up eating your adjacent tooth.


The Process of Wisdom Tooth Removal

 We are trying to break down your journey for wisdom tooth extraction into easy steps so that you can understand it better.


Firstly, Pre-Surgery Consultation

At our clinic, AMD Dental Clinic, your journey begins with a pre-surgery consultation. Our oral surgeon will evaluate your wisdom teeth using X-rays to determine the position and condition of your wisdom teeth. This step is crucial to plan the best approach for your wisdom tooth surgery.


Secondly, The Procedure

On the day of the procedure, our team ensures you are comfortable and well-informed. The surgery may involve the following steps:

 1. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is provided to minimize the pain to zero. Wisdom tooth removal surgery is mostly painless at our clinic.

2. Incision: Dr. Mili Gupta, gives an incision in the gum tissue is made to expose the tooth and bone.

3. Removal: The tooth is delicately removed. In some situations, the tooth may be broken into parts to facilitate its removal more easily.

4. Sutures: Stitching up the incision is done to allow for surgical site closure and to further promote healing.


Post-Surgery Care

It is very important! Proper post wisdom tooth surgery care is essential to ensure smooth recovery. Here's how you can take care of yourself after wisdom teeth removal surgery:


Immediate Aftercare

After the wisdom tooth surgery, you will need to rest and follow these immediate aftercare tips:

 - Bite on Gauze: Bite on the provided gauze to control bleeding.

- Ice Packs: Apply ice packs to reduce swelling.

- Rest: Avoid strenuous activities for at least 24 hours.

- No spitting: you are not supposed to spit to avoid dry sockets.


Pain and Swelling Management

Controlling pain and swelling is essential for a comfortable recovery:

 - Medication: Take prescribed painkillers and antibiotics as directed.

- Ice Application: Continue to use ice packs intermittently for the first 24-48 hours.

- Elevate Head: Keep your head elevated while resting to reduce swelling.


Dietary Guidelines

 After wisdom molar extraction, one has to follow a strict diet to ensure proper healing. The dentist provides detailed instructions on how to care for the area following the wisdom molar extraction. Follow these dietary guidelines after wisdom tooth extraction:

 - Soft Foods: Consume soft foods like soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes, lassi, buttermilk, cold coffee, and smoothies.

- Avoid Straws: Using straws can dislodge the blood clot, leading to a dry socket.

- Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids but avoid caffeinated, alcoholic, and hot beverages.


Oral Hygiene

 Maintaining oral hygiene is vital to prevent infection:

 - Gentle Rinsing: Rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water after the first 24 hours.

- Avoid Brushing Near the Extraction Site: Be careful not to disturb the extraction site while brushing and flossing.


Signs of Complications

Although most wisdom teeth treatment goes through a healing process without complications, be on the lookout for the following signs of complications:

- Severe Pain: Pain that does not get relieved with medication.

- Paresthesia: decreased neural control may occur if, during wisdom tooth removal surgery, dentist the has damaged the nerve.

- Pus or Discharge: Any discharge from the extraction site.

- Lockjaw: It’s a normal complication. Physiotherapy will help you.


Long-Term Care and Recovery

Recovery from wisdom teeth treatment is usually complete in several weeks. Avoid hard food like crunchy food, keep your mouth clean, and visit your dentist for follow-up.



In this AMD Dental Clinic Jaipur, we strive to provide the best wisdom teeth treatment. Whether you are looking for wisdom tooth removal, wisdom molar extraction, or wisdom teeth removal surgery, our experienced team is here to provide you with a smooth and comfortable experience. Remember that proper care before, during, and after the procedure will lead to quicker recovery. We will be happy to assist you with your queries or fix an appointment.

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