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A tooth filling is a commonly used dental treatment to restore damaged and decayed teeth using materials such as composite to their original shape and function. Dental fillings help in restoring the tooth structure lost due to the damage caused by tooth decay and reinforces its structure to be able to bear the masticatory forces. The dental filling fills the hole created after caries excavation and thus stops further tooth decay. Not only a tooth filling is used to repair damage caused by a cavity but also can be employed successfully to repair a broken tooth caused by an accident or similar trauma.

In the process of a dental filling, our dentists examine the area of the dental cavity using a dental explorer followed by a required dental x-ray to understand the extent of the decay. If the infected area is away from pulp and limited in enamel or dentin portion then the dentists use a high-speed airotor (drill) to remove the decayed area of the tooth. A choice of dental equipment depends on the location of the tooth and the extent of the decay. In case the decay is too deep, the patient starts to feel sensitivity, or the lesion is noted to be approaching pulp; in this situation, a light-cured calcium hydroxide base (in-direct pulp capping) is formed in the deepest part of the cavity after the caries excavation. Only after this, the tooth is etched for 15 seconds followed by bonding agent application. The composite resin is a tooth-colored dental filling material that comes in various shades. The doctor chooses the patient's tooth shade via a tooth shade guide and composite resin is filled in the cavity followed by light cure which is crucial for setting/hardening of composite.

Appropriate anatomy of the lost tooth structure can be easily recreated using the tooth-colored filling. AMD Dental Clinic offers you high-quality teeth filling material and you can check it out in our product section. Any high points are removed after checking using an articulating paper. Shofu Super Snap Kit is used to the finishing. Once the dentist is satisfied with the teeth filling, she shifts to the last step of polishing which completes the process of dental filling. Various brands supply their composite kits with polishing pastes. It helps in providing an ultra-smooth surface which makes it caries resistant zone.

Old silver and gold fillings Vs new trend of tooth-colored composite fillings

Silver filling or amalgam filling was previously used for filling the dental pit holes. However, due to extensive tooth structure, loss of its mechanical retention, and poor black color made it outdated. Also, the risk of amalgam / mercury toxicity and amalgam tattooing has been highly condemned in the dental literature.

Our dentists don't recommend amalgam dental filling due to potential health threats, reported allergies, and poor esthetics. Instead, our dentists in the panel recommended composite dental filling which is advantageous over amalgam dental filling.

Composite dental filling

The composite dental filling uses composite resin as filling material. It is made up of plastic and powdered glass which exactly appears like a natural tooth. Composite resins are aesthetically appealing and match the exact color of the natural tooth. The composite dental filling requires less drilling as it works on the principle of micromechanical retention. The composite resin hardens in seconds compared to other materials. Composite fillings are less likely to fracture and provide greater strength and wear resistance. The dental filling cost is much lesser compared to the dental expenditure on RCT and Crowns, therefore get a stich on time to prevent nine.

Indirect tooth filling

An indirect filling is a type of filling which is made in a dental laboratory, these are usually a single piece that our dentists bond with a patient's teeth to restore the authenticity and functions of an individual tooth. These are usually made of ceramic. Inlays and Onlays are popular types of indirect tooth filling that our dentists prefer due to their long-lasting durability.


Inlays are designed in a laboratory to be fitted on a patient's tooth to reduce the damage to the surface of the tooth. If the damage or decay is between the cusps of the patient's teeth, our dentists prescribe inlays to restore that. AMD Dental Clinic uses zirconia and e.Max for inlays to match the exact tooth color of the teeth and maintain the aesthetics of a patient's natural teeth. Inlay only covers the region between the cusps of a patient. Inlays are designed for larger cavities. Unlike composite resin, they are more durable and show lesser discoloration over time. Inlays are a more reliable solution for long-term filling.

Our dentists get the inlays custom made in the laboratory according to the patient's need which allows them to achieve better contours and contact points comparatively.


Onlays are a type of indirect filling which fits on the tooth's biting surface. Dentists use onlays for damage and decay to the cusps of the patient's tooth. Dental onlays are the best possible middle-ground solution to get a cavity filling and remove part of the patient's tooth to fix the dental cap on it. Onlays replace less part of a healthy tooth compared to dental crowns. Dental onlays are custom-made in the dental laboratory.

For inlay and onlay, the dentist prepares the cavity and makes the impression which is sent to the dental lab. Here the inlays and onlays are fabricated on the model. Finally, the dentist cements the restoration in the patient's mouth.

Dental fillings stop cavities from growing and restores the decayed part of a patient's tooth. A dental filling can help a dentist restore a patient's fractured teeth with a composite filling material that looks exactly like a natural tooth which doesn't affect a patient's smile. The cavity on a tooth makes it hollow. Dental filling encloses the holes on a patient's teeth which stops trapping food particles and debris, which makes a patient's tooth healthier and less likely to catch cavities.

Dental inlays and onlays are cemented to the tooth of the patient with adhesive resin luting cement. AMD Dental Clinic uses CAD/CAM techniques to make the perfect size onlays and inlays for a patient's need. Dental filling especially onlays and inlays requires special equipment and experienced dentists to offer extra durability and comfort to a patient.

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7 Important Things You Should Know Before Getting a Tooth Filling

Learn about types of dental fillings, tooth filling costs, preparation, alternatives like crowns and inlays- onlays, and post-filling care to maintain a healthy smile.


What are tooth fillings?

Tooth fillings are a common dental procedure used to restore teeth damaged by decay, cracks, or fractures. The filling material closes the gap in the tooth, preventing further damage, infection, and discomfort., we use advanced materials and techniques to create tooth fillings that are strong, durable, and natural-looking.

What types of tooth fillings are available?

AMD Dental Clinic offers various tooth filling options to suit your needs and preferences. Common types include: * Composite fillings: These tooth-colored fillings are popular choices for restoring front teeth due to their natural appearance. * Amalgam fillings: These traditional metal fillings are known for their durability and affordability. * Gold fillings: Less common today, gold fillings offer exceptional longevity but are typically more expensive. During a consultation, our dentists will recommend the most suitable filling material based on the location, severity of the damage, and your aesthetic preferences.

When do I need a tooth filling?

You might need a tooth filling if you experience: * Toothache or sensitivity to hot or cold * Pain when chewing * Visible cracks or chips in a tooth * A dark spot or discoloration on the tooth Regular dental checkups and X-rays are crucial for early detection of cavities, allowing for prompt treatment with tooth fillings and preventing the need for more extensive procedures such as crown & bridge work or root canal treatment..

What is the procedure for getting a tooth filling?

The procedure for getting a tooth filling typically involves: * Local anesthesia to numb the area * Removal of decay or damaged tooth structure * Cleaning and disinfecting the area * Placement of the filling material and shaping it to match the original tooth structure * Polishing the filling In most cases, the tooth filling procedure can be completed in a single appointment. This makes it convenient for those also requiring teeth cleaning or gum treatment during their visit.

How long do tooth fillings last?

The lifespan of tooth fillings depends on the type of material used, the location of the filling, and your oral hygiene practices. With proper care, tooth fillings can last for several years. Maintaining good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, and avoiding habits that can damage fillings, such as chewing on hard objects, are crucial for maximizing their longevity.